Rights and Responsibilities
At Blue Mountain Community College, we support student’s rights to actively question and seek constructive change in the college environment. We encourage students to express their views, opinions, and concerns in and around BMCC. Our goal is to promote diverse and critical thinking-it’s an important part of a student’s college education. However, any kind of conduct that restrains either the freedom of expression or the freedom of movement of others who may not agree, or that is disruptive to college operations in any way, is not acceptable. As a learning community, all of us have an equal right to our own views, and BMCC is committed to keeping the college a safe place for all students, staff, and community members.
The Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct document outlines the expectations we have of students as they participate on campus and in college activities. To review or receive a complete copy of the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct document, contact the Vice-President of Student Affairs, or the Associated Student Government. Students may access the full document in their BMCC Student Handbook. This information is also online at www.bluecc.edu.
Student Right-to-Know Information
Blue Mountain Community College information regarding academic programs, student completion/graduation rates, financial assistance, athletics, institutional financial support, privacy rights (FERPA), campus security, crime statistics and other Student Right to Know items may be obtained by going to http://www.bluecc.edu/enrollment-services/financial-aid/consumer-information-student-right-to-know .
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The college abides by and honors all state and federal laws pertaining to the privacy and confidentiality of a student’s directory information and their academic records. Students may choose to restrict access to specific information.
FERPA allows colleges to disclose directory information without consent. Students that do not want this information released, must update their response to “May BMCC release your directory information” question within the Student Information area of the Student WolfWeb or complete, sign, and return a Directory Exemption Request form along with a picture ID to any BMCC location.
Placing a directory exemption on a student record restricts our ability to assist students over the phone. Students with a directory exemption on file will:
- Be required to show valid picture id prior to receiving student record assistance.
- Prohibits our ability to assist a student over the phone with other than general information
- Prevent their name from appearing on honor roll listings or in the commencement program
- Prevent us the National Student Clearinghouse from verifying student attendance or degrees
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) grants the student certain rights, privileges, and protections relative to individually identifiable student educational records that are maintained by BMCC. In general students are afforded the following rights:
- The right to inspect and review their own individual educational records.
- The right to have some control over the disclosure of information from their own educational records (by authorizing or denying access in writing).
- The right to file complaints of alleged failures to comply with the requirements of FERPA (with the U.S. Department of Education).
A student’s educational records (with the exception of directory information) will not be released to third parties without the written consent of the student.
The following information is considered “directory information” and may be released without written permission from a student: Students name(s); address; telephone number; field of study; class level; dates of attendance, degrees, honors, and awards; athletic participation (including the height and weight of team members); and most recent previous educational institution attended.
Release of Records: In accord with Federal Law (The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended) “FERPA”, students may see and review all official records, files, and data pertaining to themselves with these exceptions: confidential financial information reported by the parent/guardian unless the parent/guardian has explicitly granted permission for the student’s review; and medical, psychiatric, or similar records used for treatment purposes. Access to a student’s own records will be provided as early as possible, but not longer than 45 days from the time of the student’s official written request.
A student may challenge the content of a record that she or he considers inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. If such a challenge is not resolved with the custodian of the records, the student has the right to an appeal. Further information is available in the Enrollment Services/Registrar’s Office.
FERPA Annual Notice to Reflect Possible Federal and State Data Collection and Use
As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records - including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information - may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.
For more information or to exercise your rights contact the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar at (541) 278-5757.
Solomon Amendment Disclosure
The Solomon Amendment requires by law that the college release: student name, address, telephone number, date of birth, educational level, academic major and degrees awarded upon request from recruiters of the branches of the U.S. military. If you request that this information not be released, BMCC will not release to military recruiters or other parties except as noted in this publication or upon written permission from you.
Photo ID Cards
Students have the option of receiving a BMCC Student ID card. In order to request an ID card the student must show a valid picture ID and be currently enrolled at the College.
Student Email Accounts
Students will be issued a BMCC email account which will be used for official college business and events. Students are responsible for activating their accounts prior to or during their first term at BMCC. Students should check your BMCC email account frequently as you will be held responsible for all notices sent to your BMCC email account. This email account will be used by all instructors and staff at BMCC to communicate with you.
To login to your BMCC email account, go to: https://www.bluecc.edu/studentemail.