Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Services and Enrollment Policies

Drug and Alcohol Policy Statement

Blue Mountain Community College is committed to maintaining a drug-free institution to create a safe and healthy learning and work environment and to assist its students and employees who may have problems with drugs or alcohol, in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA). To view BMCC’s full Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program, please visit https://www.bluecc.edu/support-services/safety/drug-and-alcohol-abuse-prevention-program.

Special Needs Contact Statement

Persons having questions about or requests for special needs or accommodation should contact the Director, Student Resource Center at Blue Mountain Community College, 2411 NW Carden, Pendleton, OR 97801

Phone 541-278-5958 for Services for Students with Disabilities or use Oregon Relay (7-1-1) for hearing-impaired assistance.  Contact should be made 72 hours in advance of the event.

Services for Students with Disabilities

BMCC is committed to providing equal access to all qualified students with disabilities.  Providing academic adjustments and supporting aides and services to students with disabilities to remove barriers to physical spaces and provide program access is an important goal at BMCC.  Faculty and staff members are informed, understanding, and supportive.  

Students may qualify for services by providing appropriate documentation of their disability (-ies) at the time of the initial request.  Accommodations will be arranged upon verification of the provided documentation.  Those requiring assistance with this process may work with the Director, Student Resource Center, located at the Pendleton campus but available to all students at any BMCC location.  Once the student is qualified for services, the Director and the student will work together to determine which services will most benefit the student in a particular situation.  Accommodations are arranged on an individual basis.

Computers featuring assistive technology are available to support students.  Other available support services include peer mentors, teletherapy, tutors, and resource referrals.

Some accommodations take time to prepare and require advanced notice.  For further information, Director, Student Resource Center at 541-278-5958 or disabilityservices@bluecc.edu

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights regarding their education records. They include but are not limited to the right to: 

  • Inspect and review the student’s records
  • Seek amendment of the student’s records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights
  • Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except for when consent is not required by FERPA
  • File a complaint with the Department of Education, Family Compliance Office, concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements for FERPA

Directory Information

FERPA allows colleges to disclose directory information without consent.  BMCC has chosen to release Directory Information as defined in FERPA.  The following information is considered to be BMCC directory information and may be released by the college registrar or designee upon request:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s address
  • Student’s email address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Student’s telephone number
  • Field of study
  • Class Level
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degree, honors, and awards
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Height and weight of members of athletic teams
  • Most recent previous educational institution attended by the student

Disclosure of education records is allowed when a court approves an application submitted by the Assistant U.S. Attorney General (or higher-ranking federal official) that contains “specific and articulable facts” that the education records are relevant to the investigation of or prosecution of terrorism. FERPA was amended to allow such disclosures by Section 507 of the USA Patriot Act.

Directory Information for use within the college is permitted in accordance with FERPA guidelines, however, disclosure with the college does not constitute institutional authorization to transmit, share or disclose any or all information received to a third party.

Restriction of Directory Information

When students restrict the release of directory information, the preceding information will not be released. The ability to allow or restrict the use of directory information is available through the student’s online portal. The restriction of information is permanent until the student requests, in writing and includes a copy of a valid picture ID, to the Registrar’s office, that it be removed. The restriction remains in place even after the student has stopped attending BMCC or graduated from the college.

Students with a directory exemption on file will:

  • Be required to show a valid picture ID prior to receiving student record assistance
  • Prohibit our ability to assist a student, others claiming to be the parent, relatives, friends, other students, or prospective employers over the phone with other than general college information
  • Prevent their name from appearing on honor roll listings or in the commencement program
  • Prevent us from verifying student attendance or degrees from the National Student Clearinghouse

Restricted directory information is made available where an emergency is involved, at the direction of a subpoena or court order, to BMCC staff and faculty with a legitimate educational need to know, or in other limited situations as determined by the Vice President of Student Services or the Registrar.

FERPA Annual Notice to Reflect Possible Federal and State Data Collection and Use

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records - including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information - may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Census Bureau in connection with the 2020 Census, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

For more information or to exercise your rights contact the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar.

Solomon Amendment Disclosure

The Solomon Amendment requires by law that upon the request from recruiters of branches of the military, the college release:

  • Student name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Educational level
  • Academic major
  • Degrees awarded
  • Most recent educational institution enrolled in by the student

If a student requests that this information not be released, BMCC will not release it to military recruiters or other parties except as specified in this notification or upon written permission from the student. 

Photo ID Cards

Students have the option of receiving a BMCC Student ID card.  In order to request an ID card the student must provide a valid picture ID and be currently registered at the College. Photo IDs are not considered a state or federally-issued ID.

Student Email Accounts

Students will be issued a BMCC email account which will be used for official college business and events. Students are responsible for activating their accounts prior to or during their first term at BMCC. Students should check their BMCC email account frequently as they will be held responsible for all notices sent to their BMCC email account. This email account will be used by all instructors and staff at BMCC to communicate. 

Admission, Registration, and Procedures


BMCC accepts applications on a continuing basis.  New, returning, and transfer students must complete the online application process. To request an alternative format, contact Admissions at admissions@bluecc.edu or by calling (541) 278-5853. BMCC reserves the right to close admission prior to the application deadline or extend the deadline based on special circumstances.  Requests for late admission should be sent to the Director, Recruitment & Retention.

Entrance Requirements: Blue Mountain Community College has an open-door admission policy. To be accepted for general admission, students must be 18 years of age or older, be legally emancipated, have graduated from high school, or have completed a General Education Development (GED) certificate.

Students will be considered accepted for general admission or conditionally admitted based on the following criteria:

General Admission: In general, students that are seeking a certificate or degree and meet at least one of the following criteria, will be considered admitted to the college and eligible to enroll.

  • Are eighteen years of age or older, or
  • Are legally emancipated (with documentation) or
  • Have graduated from an accredited high school or
  • Have completed a General Educational Development (GED) certificate or an adult high school diploma and
  • Have the ability to benefit from instruction 

Students who have completed high school requirements in a home-schooled setting may be required to provide the following documents to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar in order to register in credit courses:

  • A letter from their local Education Service District (ESD) or equivalent from states with differing educational agencies, stating their release from compulsory school attendance under the provisions outlined in ORS 339.030, and
  • Complete placement assessments in writing and math.  Students may be exempt from one or both of the assessments. Alternative placement options are available on BMCC’s website.
  • If under the age of 16, at least one parent’s signature is required on any enrollment or registration document

Conditional Admission: Students who meet one or more of the following criteria will be considered conditionally admitted. Students in this category are not eligible for Federal Title IV aid:

  • Non-degree seeking students
  • Students who have not completed high school or a GED
  • Students under the age of 18 (unless they have completed high school)

Students under eighteen years of age who have not completed a high school diploma or the equivalent:

In order to take credit courses these students will be required to provide the following documents to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar:

  • A letter from a high school administrator or local Education Service District (ESD) stating that you have been released from compulsory school attendance under the provisions outlined in ORS 339.030, and
  • Complete placement assessments in writing and math.  Students may be exempt from one or both of the assessments. Alternative placement options are available on BMCC’s website, and
  • For students under the age of 16, at least one parent’s signature on any enrollment or registration document, and

Students under the age of eighteen and still attending high school: In order to take credit courses these students will be required to provide the following documents to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar:

  • Written acknowledgment from a high school administrator or a counselor of the student’s attendance and or participation in credit courses offered by the college; and
  • Complete placement assessments in writing and math.  Students may be exempt from one or both of the assessments. Alternative placement options are available on BMCC’s website, and
  • For students under the age of 16, at least one parent’s signature on any enrollment or registration document, and
  • An acknowledgment that the student will be in a classroom situation with other adults and without the same protections and rules of the K-12 system.
  • Students who are taking courses to complete their high school credit requirements should check with their high school administration to ensure that the credits taken will transfer back to their high school in the way intended.

Transfer students: Students transferring from another college or university must complete the admission process and may have one or more placement requirements waived based upon receipt of their other college’s official transcripts or upon confirmation that they have met placement according to BMCC’s placement matrix.

Adult Basic Education (ABE) and General Educational Development (GED): These programs are open to non-high school graduates who are at least sixteen years of age and not enrolled in high school. Students who are sixteen and seventeen years of age must provide the college with a release from the high school district in which they reside according to ORS 339.030. For more information, contact the Department of College Preparatory Programs at 541-278-5803. 

Non-Degree Seeking students: Many students take college credit courses at BMCC, yet are not planning to earn a certificate or degree. Such students apply through the regular application process and may be required to complete placement assessments in writing and or math.  Alternative placement options are available on BMCC’s website. These students are not required to participate in advising but are welcome to do so.

International Students: BMCC is no longer accepting applications for international students (F-1 OR M-1 VISA).

Limited Entry Programs: BMCC offers a number of limited-entry programs. Each program has special admission requirements that must be met before you can be admitted. General admission to BMCC does not guarantee acceptance into these programs. The admission requirements may change annually depending on Oregon state regulations and BMCC policies. For the most current admissions policy information and deadlines, please contact admissions@bluecc.edu or the academic department, or consult BMCC’s website.

Identity Verification: BMCC does not have an identity verification process specific to distance education students and applies the same identity verification standards for all students. Students who complete the FAFSA have their identity verified (via government-issued ID or passport) when required by the federal government. BMCC’s online admissions application utilizes an email verification code, which expires within 10 minutes, to ensure the student record is correctly associated with the student’s personal email address. There are no fees directly associated with identify verification, however, technology services and systems are supported by the Technology Fee, which is included on our schedule of fees (https://bluecc.edu/cost-aid/tuition-fees/) and in the Academic Catalog.

BMCC uses information provided in the College’s SIS to verify student identity for access to online software and resources such as WolfWeb (Student Portal), Canvas, and Student Email. BMCC utilizes single sign-on for all student resources to ensure a secure and seamless student experience. Students are required to enter their username and password for each session in any of these online resources. Students experiencing difficulty accessing these online resources are required to contact the IT Helpdesk for assistance resetting their password.  For security purposes, IT staff verify student identity against at least three separate pieces of student-provided information in the SIS. Upon verification, students are provided with a temporary password that expires within 48 hours (or upon first login), at which point the student is required to set a new strong password. Student-created passwords are compliant with strong policy restrictions dictated by Microsoft (eight character minimum and at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters)one number, and one letter).


The Oregon Department of Health requires community college students born on or after January 1, 1957, to have two doses of the measles vaccine before participating in clinical experiences in allied health, nursing, and human services programs; practicum experiences in education and child care programs; and intercollegiate sports.  If you are enrolling in the nursing program and in some health programs, you may also be required to comply with Chapter 409, Oregon Health Authority, Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research, Division 30: Administrative Requirements for Health Profession Student Clinical Training (OAR 409-030-0100 to 409-030-0250) prior to clinical placement.  For details about these requirements, contact the department that oversees the program in which you plan to participate.

Students will be required to submit verification of two doses of measles on or prior to attendance in a clinical or practicum experience or participation in an intercollegiate sport. Registration holds will be placed until immunization records have been received by the Registrar’s Office.

 Residency Policy

Determination of residency for purposes of tuition will be made according to the following definitions. 

In-State: At least one of the following requirements must be met by the student:

  1. The student has resided in the state of Oregon for at least ninety (90) continuous days prior to the first day of the term.

  2. The student, or a member of his/her immediate family, holds title to or is purchasing property claimed as a permanent Oregon residence.

  3. The student filed an income tax statement with the Oregon Department of Revenue for the most recent reporting year.

  4. A veteran established residence within the college district within one (1) year of separation or discharge from the Service.

  5. The student is a dependent of parents or legal guardian who has established residency within Oregon.

  6. Residents of the following states: Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, and California

Out-of-State: Students who list their state of legal residence as a state other than Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Nevada, Montana, or California.  This excludes students who have provided documentation to establish In-State residency as indicated by this policy.  

Non-U.S. Citizens: Students who are citizens of another country will pay the international tuition rate.  

Guidelines: Students who graduate from a high school other than in Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Nevada, Montana, or California within the last two years will be considered out-of-state and may be required to provide proof of Oregon residency.

Residency requirements apply to the readmission of students who have established residency in another state since their last enrollment at the college.  This will be checked at the time of readmission to the college.

Students who establish their 90-day residency requirement during their current term of enrollment will be granted in-state residency status for the following term of enrollment for the academic year in which they apply for residency.

Alaska residents who wish to receive the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend while attending college should consult their state agency prior to applying for in-state residency as it may affect their ability to receive those funds.

Process to Establish Residency: Students who wish to establish residency for purposes of receiving in-state tuition rates must complete a Proof of Oregon Residency form and provide at least one of the following documents:

  1. An Oregon hunting or fishing license that was issued at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the term
  2. A copy of a deed of title, mortgage agreement, or recent county property tax statement indicating ownership or purchase by the student or the immediate family. If ownership is by anyone other than the student, a document verifying the familial relationship between the student and the owner must be presented.
  3. A current Oregon voter precinct card
  4. A copy of a signed Oregon income tax statement filed during the latest reporting year or payroll records from an Oregon firm indicating ninety continuous days of residency in Oregon
  5. A copy of an official Oregon high school transcript or GED scores earned in the state of Oregon
  6. A copy of a current valid Oregon driver’s license (front and back of license) issued at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the term
  7. A copy of a current valid Oregon ID card (front and back of ID card) issued at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the term
  8. A copy of a current utility bill dated at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the term
  9. DD214 (veterans)

Requests are reviewed and approved by the Registrar or their designee. All appeals for issues regarding the college’s residency requirement will be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Student Services.


Course Placement

All BMCC students planning to register for a math or writing course (excludes MTH025, MTH062, WR060, and WR065 which do not require placement) or for a course where math or writing is a prerequisite, must complete one of the following placement options:  

  • Take a math or writing placement test:  BMCC uses the College Board’s ACCUPLACER for writing placement and ALEKS for math placement.  The ACCUPLACER assessment is a computer-based format with unlimited time and provides immediate scores.  The ALEKS placement is a self-proctored assessment. Each placement test assesses academic skills and helps place the student into the right level of courses.  Placement scores are valid for two years from the date taken. Placement scores from other third parties may be used as approved by the math and writing department.
  • Complete a college-level math and writing course with a grade of “C” or better at another regionally accredited college and submit transcripts to student records prior to registration.
  • Provide placement scores from another college within the last two years.  Scores must be sent to BMCC from the college or university where the assessment was taken. 
  • AP Test Scores: Students who have taken an AP math or writing test can have their scores sent to BMCC from the College Board.  Test scores are accepted for up to three years after the exam date.
  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • GED completion: Students who have earned their GED within the last two years can use their scores for placement. 
  • High School Transcripts: Students must have graduated within 5 years of their date of matriculation and must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0.

Students auditing a course are exempt from the placement requirement.


Students are required to register online unless otherwise directed. Students will not be permitted to register if a debt is owed to the College. Students must be registered in order to attend or participate in a class/course.  In some instances, the instructor may allow the student to participate if their request to register is in a pending status.

Students may register online through the date identified on the college’s annual Academic Calendar. Students wishing to add a course after that date must submit a Request to Add a Course.  Instructors will have the option to approve or deny the request.  If approved, the request will be reviewed by the respective Dean.  Requests approved by the Dean will be sent to enrollment services for processing and notification to the student. For more information on registration dates and timelines, see the Academic Calendar  found in this catalog or visit our Website.

For registration assistance due to a disability, please contact the Director, Student Resource Center at 541-278-5958.

Enrollment Level Defined: Enrollment levels per term are defined as follows:

  • Full-time: 12 + credits
  • Three-quarter time: 9 - 11 credits
  • Half-time: 6 - 8 credits
  • Less than half-time: 0 - 5 credits
  • Not enrolled: Students who are not enrolled in credit or non-credit courses in a given term

Required Courses and Prerequisites: Many of BMCC’s courses require students to meet one or more prerequisite requirements.  Prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.  Instructors have the option to waive this requirement on a case-by-case basis.

Students Under the Age of 18

  • Students that are 16 or 17 years of age and no longer attending high school, are home-schooled, or have not graduated from high school or completed a GED, and wish to register for courses may do so by providing the following:
    • A letter from a high school administrator stating that the student has been released from compulsory attendance under the provisions outlined in ORS 339.030; and
    • An assessment by a BMCC advisor regarding the student’s ability to benefit from the instruction desired, and
    • An acknowledgment that the student will be in a classroom situation with other adults and without the same protections and rules of the K-12 system; and
    • Instructor approval
  • Students Under the Age of 16: Students under 16 years of age who no longer attend high school, are home-schooled, or have not graduated from high school or completed a GED, and wish to register for courses may do so by providing the following:
    • A letter from a high school administrator stating that the student has been released from compulsory attendance under the provisions outlined in ORS 339.030; and
    • An assessment by a BMCC advisor regarding the student’s ability to benefit from the instruction desired, and
    • A parental signature for students on any enrollment or registration form that obligates the student financially, and
    • An acknowledgment that the student will be in a classroom situation with other adults and without the same protections and rules of the K-12 system; and
    • Instructor approval

High School Students (Early College Credit): Students who are still attending high school and wish to take credit courses at BMCC, have these options:

  • High school students 16 and older are eligible to register at BMCC. High school students who register at BMCC are fully responsible for complying with all the policies and procedures of the College as outlined in BMCC’s Admission policies.  It is important to note that parents cannot access student records (grades, class schedule, attendance, etc.) without written permission from the student. Although members of the College staff can provide academic advising, they cannot interpret high school requirements or act in a supervisory role.  The student is responsible for all tuition, fees, books, and related expenses.
  • BMCC works with area high schools to offer students the opportunity to earn college credit for certain career and technical education and general education transfer courses they complete at their high school.  Course offerings vary by high school and are designed for students 16 years of age or older.  General education transfer courses can be used to meet BMCC certificate or degree requirements as well as for transfer to most Oregon community colleges and universities.  Students should check with their potential colleges about institutional policies for transferring college credits earned in high school. 
  • Students at a public high school that has an articulation agreement with BMCC may meet the educational requirements of both the high school and a college-level BMCC course if they are enrolled for Early College Credit in a class taught at the high school. This challenging coursework offers students the opportunity to begin building a college transcript while still enrolled in high school. Early College courses and credits appear on a BMCC transcript as though they were taken at BMCC. Early College courses normally transfer to four-year institutions in the same way as any other BMCC coursework. Not all courses are available at every high school. High school students may check with their high school counselors and teachers for course availability, costs, and other requirements. Students should also check with the college to which they wish to transfer if they want to ensure that Early College coursework will transfer.

Expanded Options: High school and home-schooled students have the opportunity to take credit courses at BMCC. Students interested in the Expanded Options program should work with their high school counselor or Aspire coordinator for more information on eligibility requirements.  Home-schooled students can obtain further information about Expanded Options by contacting the school at 541-278-5759.

BMCC offers a dual-enrollment program in conformance with Oregon’s Expanded Options legislation (also known as SB300 and SB23). This program offers high school students the ability to take BMCC classes to earn college credit and to earn credit toward high school graduation at the same time. Each high school sets its own criteria for entry into the program and monitors student progress. College-level credits earned are transcribed through BMCC and are, in most cases, transferable to other colleges.

Though similar, Early College and Expanded Options programs have distinct differences:

  • Students participating in the Early College program take classes at their high school from high school instructors and earn college credit at the same time
  • Students participating in the Expanded Options program take a college course from college instructors with other college students and earn high school credit at the same time.

Students interested in the Expanded Options program should work with their high school counselor or Aspire coordinator for more information on eligibility requirements. 

Student Withdrawal: Students who withdraw from a course will have a W posted on their official transcript indicating that they have withdrawn from the course.  All tuition and fees associated with the course will apply. Please see the Academic Calendar  for specific term deadline dates to withdraw from a course. Dates for courses less than a full term in length vary. Please check with Enrollment Services for specific deadline dates for these courses.

Academic Fresh Start (Grade Renewal):  Students who have previously attended BMCC and have earned poor grades have the option to apply for “Grade Renewal” once they meet the following criteria:

  • Have had an absence of at least two years; and
  • Have passed two subsequent academic quarters of work completing at least 12 credit hours each quarter with a 2.00 GPA or better; and
  • Be enrolled in at least one credit hour with BMCC at the time the policy is requested and implemented

The “Grade Renewal Petition” form is available online.  If the petition is accepted, grades for the term chosen, and for all prior terms, will be changed to no credit (NC). All courses previously taken will remain on the transcript and the student’s grade point average will be adjusted. A notation will appear on the official transcript indicating that the GPA renewal policy was implemented. All courses included in the GPA renewal policy will continue to be counted as attempted for the purposes of federal financial aid eligibility.  We encourage students to check with the financial aid office prior to submitting their request. Once the grade renewal process has taken place the student may not request to have the process reversed. Any courses taken at another college and transferred to BMCC are not subject to the provisions of this policy and are not included in this policy.

Registration Cap: Students may not take more than 21 credits per term without permission from the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar. To qualify to take more than 21 credits in a term the student must have met each of the following criteria:

  • matriculated from high school
  • completed the last two terms at BMCC as a full-time student (12 or more credits)
  • completed each of those terms with a term GPA of 2.0 or higher.

To request approval the student must complete a Petition to Register for Over 21 Credits. The form is located on our website on the student forms page, bluecc.edu/student-forms/.


A variety of testing services are available at all BMCC locations. Testing services will vary by location.  Students should contact the BMCC location nearest to them for schedules, appointments, and details.  

Financial Information

Tuition and fees are subject to BMCC Board of Education policy and may be changed at any time. Please refer to our Website, www.bluecc.edu, or call the college at 541-278-5759 to obtain current rates.

Students are considered to be full-time when they are enrolled for 12 credit hours or more.

2024-25 Tuition and Fees

Payment of the stipulated fees by full-time and part-time students registered for academic credit entitles them to all services maintained by the college for the benefit of students. These services include the use of the college student union, computer laboratories, library, laboratory and course equipment, materials in connection with courses for which the students are registered, and admission to some events sponsored by the college. By college policy, there is no reduction in fees for students who do not intend to avail themselves of these services.

Note: The College periodically introduces new courses, programs, and/or fees on a pilot basis to meet the needs of the community.  These fees may be administratively implemented as needed during the year.


In-State Residents: For tuition purposes, Oregon residents and residents of California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Washington are charged at the in-state resident rate of $119.00 for each credit hour, beginning with the summer term of the 2024-25 academic year.

Out-of-State Residents:  The tuition rate for out-of-state students (other than the states listed above) is $178.50 for each credit hour, beginning with the summer term of the 2024-25 academic year.

Senior Citizens: The tuition rate for a resident who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older is one hundred percent of the regular tuition rate for credit classes. Fees for credit and non-credit classes are at the full rates listed in the quarterly Schedule of Classes on the BMCC website. Seniors who elect to audit credit classes will not be charged tuition; only applicable fees will be charged at the full rate. Normal registration procedures are required.

Non-Credit Costs: Tuition is not charged for non-credit classes. Fees for non-credit classes vary based on the costs of providing the course. 

The tuition shown in this section is accurate as of the date of publication of this catalog, however, they are subject to change by action of the Board of Education at any time.

# of Credits In-State (Tuition only) Out-Of-State (Tuition only)
1 $ 119.00 $ 178.50
2 $ 238.00 $ 357.00
3 $ 357.00 $ 535.50
4 $ 476.00 $ 714.00
5 $ 595.00 $ 892.50
6 $ 714.00 $ 1,071.00
7 $ 833.00 $ 1,249.50
8 $ 952.00 $ 1,428.00
9 $ 1,071.00 $ 1,606.50
10 $ 1,190.00 $ 1,785.00
11 $ 1,309.00 $ 1,963.50
12 $ 1,428.00 $ 2,142.00
13 $ 1,547.00 $ 2,320.50
14 $ 1,666.00 $ 2,499.00
15 $ 1,785.00 $ 2,677.50
16 $ 1,904.00 $ 2,856.00
17 $ 2,023.00 $ 3,034.50
18 $ 2,142.00 $ 3,213.00
19 $ 2,261.00 $ 3,391.50
20 $ 2,380.00 $ 3,570.00
21 $ 2,499.00 $ 3,748.50

Generally Applicable Fees:

  • Athletic Fee: $125 per term for student-athletes
  • ABE/GED/ELA Course Fee: $11.00 per course plus $9 Non-Credit Technology Fee
  • Audit Course Fee: 100% of regular tuition and associated fees (for senior citizens, refer to the section above)
  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee: A transcription fee of $25 per course
  • Credit-by-Exam Fee: 50% of regular tuition
  • Credit for Prior Learning/Certification Fee: A transcription fee of $25 per course
  • Early Childhood Education (ECE) Credit for Prior Learning Fee: A transcription fee of $25 per course
  • Installment Plan Fee: $20 (required $100 down payment.) Must complete and sign the Installment Plan
  • Installment Plan Late Fee/Interest Penalty: $15 for each late payment
  • Late Payment Fee: 3% of the unpaid balance with a minimum charge of $10 and a maximum charge of $75 per term. Fees are assessed monthly until the balance is paid in full
  • Nursing Student Application Fee: $50 application fee (Non-refundable)
  • Nursing Student Program Fee: $1,056.67 each term
  • Official Transcript Fee: Minimum fee of $5 per transcript. An additional processing fee is applied at the time the order is placed online (obtained through the National Student Clearinghouse)
  • Official Transcript Fee (Outside the US): Fee contingent upon destination location
  • Placement Test Fee: $25 for non-BMCC students.
  • Portfolio Learning Assessment Fee: 50% of regular tuition
  • Returned-Check Fee: $35 for each occurrence
  • Stop Payment Fee: $35 per check
  • Student Services Fee: $8 per credit for students taking 1 or more credit hours up to a maximum of 15 credits per term.
  • Technology Fee: $26.75 per credit for credit classes; $9 per course for non-credit classes
  • Test Proctor Fees (Agency or other): $25 per exam (Non-refundable)
  • Testing Fees - Other Proctor Fees: Varies (charges are based on the nature of the examination). Contact the BMCC Testing Center at (541) 278-5931 for specific amounts.

Early College Credit Costs:

  • Advanced Placement Fee: A transcription fee of $25 per course
  • Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit Fee: A transcription fee of $30 per credit
  • Expanded Options: 100% of tuition and applicable fees

Other Applicable Fees:

  • Associated Student Government (ASG) Student Activity Fee: $3.50 for each credit hour (This fee is approved by ASG & College Board).

Course-Specific Fees:
Certain courses may require a fee(s) in addition to tuition. Course-specific fees are listed in the quarterly Schedule of Classes on the BMCC website.

  • Agriculture Course Fee: $40 per Agriculture course
  • Applied Music Course Fee: $175 per course - courses beginning with MUP
  • Art Studio Course Fee: $15 per applied art studio course
  • Data Center Technician Laboratory Fee: $60 per lab course
  • Diesel Tech Laboratory Fee: $60 per lab course
  • EMT Course Fee: Basic (EMT151 & EMT152), Intermediate & Advanced (EMT163 & EMT164) A & B: $160 per course
  • EMT153 Course Fee: $320 per course
  • Fire Science Course Fee - FS110A, FS110B and FS112: $160 per course
  • Industrial Systems Technologies Laboratory Course Fee: $50 per lab course
  • Medical Assisting Fee: $10 per credit
  • Music (Piano/Voice) Course Fee: $15 - piano and/or voice courses beginning with MUS
  • Physical Education Course Fee: $10 per course
  • Science Laboratory Fee: $40 per lab course
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Laboratory Course Fee: $50 per lab course - courses beginning with UAS
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Non-Credit Course Fee: $4600 per non-credit training certificate
  • Welding Laboratory Fee: $200 per lab course
  • Outside Facility Use Fee: Variable pass-through fee for classes held at off-campus locations such as pickleball

Paying Tuition

Tuition and fees are payable in full by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or MasterCard) by the end of the fifth class day of each term, or the equivalent percentage of days of terms or classes of varying length. Students may also use financial aid funds or third-party agency funds to pay their tuition and fees if they are eligible for these funds. Payments can be made at any location, by mail, or through the WolfWeb.

Please note: If payment is not made in full before Monday of week eight and the student has registered for courses for the following term, the college will automatically drop the student from the following term(s) courses and the student may not be eligible to defer tuition in future terms. 

Late Fee/Interest Penalties: Students who have not paid or made payment arrangements by the end of the fifth class day or the equivalent day of terms or classes of varying length will be assessed late fees. The fee is 3% of the balance due assessed monthly until the balance is paid. The minimum charge is $10, and the maximum charge is $75 per term.

Stop-Payment Fees for Financial Aid Stipends/Refund Checks: If you are eligible for a financial aid stipend/refund check and it does not arrive at the address indicated on your student account after ten days from the date of issuance by the college, BMCC will re-issue the check without charge to you. If you wish the college to reissue the check before the 10-day period is over, BMCC will charge you a $35 stop-payment fee.

Financial Holds:  If your student account is not paid in full by the beginning of pre-registration for the upcoming academic term, a financial hold will be placed on your account preventing you from registering for the upcoming term. Other financial holds may be placed on your account if items are not returned to departments at the College (such as the Library or the MAC Center). Please contact Enrollment Service to assist you in resolving the financial hold on your account.

Tuition Refund Policy: Students who drop a course(s) or withdraw from the College and who have complied with regulations governing drops and withdrawals are entitled to certain tuition refunds depending on the time of drop or withdrawal. Tuition refunds are calculated as follows:

  • First five (5) days of the term for an 11-week course or the equivalent day of the term for courses of varying length. = 100%
  • After the first five (5) days of the term for an 11-week course or the equivalent day of the term for courses of varying length. = 0%

F-1 and M-1 Visa Students: BMCC is no longer approved to admit international students.

Financial Aid

(Federal School Code: 003186)

The Student Financial Aid office is located in Morrow Hall on the Pendleton campus. Please check the BMCC Website for hours of operation.   The staff can be contacted by phone at 541-278-5779 or by email at FinancialAid@bluecc.edu. The Student Financial Aid staff are available to students for assistance in applying for and receiving the following sources of financial aid:

  • Federal and state aid
  • Certification of Veterans’ education benefits
  • BMCC Foundation Scholarships and private scholarships
  • Private loans
  • Institutional Aid (Staff and student waivers)

Federal and State Aid

BMCC participates in the following types of federal and state aid:

  • Federal Pell Grant            
  • Federal Work-Study
  • Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans    
  • Federal PLUS loans (Parent loans for undergraduate students)
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG)
  • Oregon Promise Grant (OPG)
  • Oregon National Guard Grant
  • Oregon Tribal Student Grant

Applying for Federal and State Aid:  Starting October 1st of each year, students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) in order to apply for aid.

  • Who files the FAFSA? United States Citizens and eligible non-citizens. Apply by visiting https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa or by calling 1-800-433-3243 to request a paper FAFSA.
  • Who files the ORSAA? Oregon residents who have Deferred Action for Early Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, undocumented status, and/or Temporary Protection Status (TPS). Apply by visiting https://oregonstudentaid.gov/fafsa-orsaa.aspx or by calling 541-687-7400

Applying online can reduce the amount of time for processing financial aid by approximately eight weeks. Refer to the Dates & Deadlines online at https://bluecc.edu/cost-aid/financial-aid 

Cost Of Attendance Budget: The BMCC Financial Aid Office establishes yearly average standard student budgets as a basis for awarding financial aid funds. The budgets are based on average full-time enrollment for fall, winter, and spring terms and are prorated for less than full-time enrollment. Review the Cost of Attendance Budget at https://bluecc.edu/cost-aid/tuition-fees

Disbursement of Aid: Aid is generally posted to a student’s account after the add/drop deadline. The remaining credit balances will be disbursed to the student’s account starting the second week of the quarter. BMCC utilizes BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. to disburse funds to students.

Taking Courses at BMCC and Another Institution: Students planning to take courses from BMCC and another college during the same term must complete a consortium agreement form and provide proof of registration for each class taken at another college during the time the consortium agreement is in place. Processed consortium agreements are valid for one academic year and proof of registration is required each term. Refer to our website for forms and additional information.

Maintaining Eligibility

Academic Progress (AP): The Financial Aid office is responsible for ensuring that all students who receive federal and state aid are demonstrating satisfactory progress toward the completion of their educational programs.  Students’ Academic Progress will be reviewed before making an offer each academic year and again at the end of each term. The standards of Academic Progress apply to all federal and state aid, Foundation scholarships, some institutional aid, and most private scholarships.

Students are evaluated on all of the following standards:

  • Cumulative Credit Completion Rate (Pace), must be 67% or higher
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (cGPA), must be 2.0 or higher
  • Maximum time frame (150% Rule), students are allowed 150% of the credits required to complete the declared degree/certificate. All attempted and accepted transferred credits count towards this limit even if financial aid was not received.

Students must meet all three progress requirements (Pace, cGPA, and be within the maximum time frame) to remain in good standing.  Students not meeting the requirements will be placed on financial aid warning or probation status during their next term of enrollment and will receive notification from the Financial Aid and/or Registrar’s Office, a notice of such standing. For additional information regarding this policy and for more detailed information about financial aid, please visit BMCC’s website or contact the Financial Aid office.

Second Degree: If a student has received an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree and wishes to receive financial aid from BMCC, a Credit Extension Appeal (CEA) must be submitted to the Financial Aid office along with appropriate documentation.  This process does not guarantee an offer. Depending upon the type of degree already held, the aid, if granted, may be limited to loans.

Total (official or unofficial) Withdrawal and Return of Federal Aid:  Federal regulations require the college to have a fair and equitable refund policy for students receiving financial assistance who withdraw from all classes. When a federal aid recipient totally drops, withdraws, or ceases to attend classes, BMCC must determine the amount of federal aid that the student earned as of the student’s withdrawal date in accordance with federal regulations. If the student does not complete more than 60% of the term, then a calculation is completed by the Financial Aid office to determine the percentage of assistance the student has earned. Any unearned aid must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. The student may be required to repay BMCC any amount that is returned on the student’s behalf.  

For additional information regarding this policy and for more detailed information about financial aid, please visit BMCC’s website.

Other Financial Assistance

Blue Mountain Community Foundation (BMCC) Mission Statement: To foster relationships that provide opportunities to support students, programs, and capital projects at Blue Mountain Community College

Foundation Scholarships

The BMCC Foundation offers scholarships to both full-time and part-time students. Scholarship information and directions on how to apply are provided on the college website at, https://bluecc.edu/foundation.

Other Scholarships (Local, Regional, National)

The BMCC Foundation posts information that it receives from local civic groups, fraternal organizations, and state, regional, and national agencies. For further information visit the college website at, https://bluecc.edu/cost-aid/scholarships.

Veterans Benefits

Military Educational Benefits


BMCC assists veterans and family members of veterans with three primary types of benefits:

  • United States Department of Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits
  • Oregon Veteran Educational Aid Program (Tuition Assistance)
  • BMCC tuition waivers for military and qualifying family members

In order to receive VA educational benefits, all veterans must:

  • Take the BMCC placement assessment to determine proper course placement before enrollment
  • Obtain and submit to BMCC official transcripts from all previously attended schools along with a Transcript Evaluation Request for review of prior credit.
  • Be assigned an academic advisor
  • Be pursuing a BMCC degree or certificate
  • Apply for VA Education Benefits online
  • Complete BMCC’s Veterans Education Benefits Request Packet

Certification Periods: The veteran’s school certifying official (SCO) will certify based on BMCC’s official academic calendar. Some courses vary in length. The SCO will certify enrollment according to each course’s beginning and ending dates, which may affect the rate of pay.

Prior Credit: Any student receiving VA education benefits while attending BMCC is required to obtain transcripts from all previously attended schools and military service and submit them, along with a Transcript Evaluation Request form to the BMCC Records Department. See the BMCC Veterans Education Benefits Request Packet for more information and details.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (AP) The financial aid office is responsible for ensuring that all students who receive VA benefits maintain Good Academic Standing per BMCC’s Academic Progress Policy. The student’s Academic Progress will be reviewed before making awards each academic year and at the end of each term. The standards of academic progress can be found at https://bluecc.edu/student-handbook/academic-progress/

Enrollment Level Defined: Enrollment levels per term are defined as follows:

  • Full-time (100%): 12+ credits
  • Three-quarter time (75%): 9-11 credits
  • Half-time (50%): 6-8 credits
  • Less-than half-time (25%): 1-5 credits

BMCC Military Tuition Waivers:

BMCC, with the purpose of enhancing student support while providing a premier learning environment, provides military tuition waivers to honor returning veterans and qualifying family members of deployed, disabled, and fallen military service members. For more information on guidelines and how to apply, visit BMCC’s website.

Rate for Tuition and Fees- Section 301 of Public Law 115-251

The following students shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill® - Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®), of Title 38, United States Code, who lives in the state in which the institution is located (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the institution within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the state in which the institution is located (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the institution within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same institution. The person so described must have enrolled in the institution prior to the expiration of the three-year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either Chapter 30 or Chapter 33, of Title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the state in which the institution is located (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), who lives in the state in which the institution is located (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).

Tuition and Fees penalties- Public Law 115-407 Section 103

As part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, United States Code was amended and signed into law on December 31, 2018; known as Public Law 115-407 Section 103, it is effective as of August 1, 2019.

Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) permits any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.

  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.     

BMCC ensures that our educational institution will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

NOTE: A Covered Individual is anyone entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits.  

Important links:
GI Bill® Information - www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/
GI Bill® WAVE - Web Automated Verification of Enrollment - www.gibill.va.gov/wave/
Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs ODVA - www.oregon.gov/ODVA/
ODVA Educational Aid for Veterans - www.oregon.gov/ODVA/BENEFITS/pages/Education.aspx
DD 214 Requests Online - www.archives.gov/veterans/

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 

Class Attendance and Administrative Withdrawal

Blue Mountain Community College reserves the right to withdraw a student from classes if, in the judgment of college officials, this action is in the best interest of the student or the college.

Attendance: In compliance with federal Title IV aid policies students will be dropped at the end of week one from their course if they do not meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • attended the course at least one time on or prior to the end of the first 5 business days of the term (4 business days for summer term), (courses that start on a Saturday require attendance on that day)
  • participated in the course on or prior to the end of the first 5 business days of the term (4 business days for summer term), (courses that start on a Saturday require participation on that day).  Students should refer to the course syllabus for more information
  • contacted their instructor regarding their absence due to circumstances beyond their control (for example: illness, death in the family, etc,)

Students found not to have met at least one of the above will be administratively dropped from their course upon notification by the course instructor to the Registrar’s office.

Students who are not able to continue to participate/attend after the first week of the term should meet with their advisor prior to withdrawing from their course.

Note: Some courses that are not a full term in length will have different refund/withdrawal periods. Please print your schedule to determine what the refund/withdrawal period is for that course.

Grading System and Policies

Grading System: The quality of a student’s work is measured by a system of grades and by computed grade-point averages. All assigned courses, regardless of curriculum, are included when determining a cumulative grade-point average while attending BMCC.

Only grades of A, B, C, D, F, and FA are considered in the computation of grade point averages. All other grades will be disregarded in the calculation of GPA; however, other grade marks and enrollment status will affect financial aid and athletic eligibility.

The grading system consists of the following:

Grade Point Average (GPA): A student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated as follows: take the number of points from the Grade Point table for each grade that you received and multiply it by the number of credits for that course; then repeat the process for each course in which you received a grade of A, B, C, D,  F, or FA. Add all of the results together and then divide by the total credit hours in which grades A, B, C, D, F, or FA were received. Note: If a course is repeated, only the most recent grade is used in computing the GPA unless the course is designated as repeatable in the Course Descriptions section of this catalog.

Grade Point Table

A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
F 0
FA 0

Example of GPA Calculation: (Total GPA Points/Total Credits) = GPA or 22/9= 2.44 Courses/Grades Received

Course Credits Grade Grade Points GPA Points
WR121 4 B 3 12.0
MTH095 5 C 2 10.0
TOTAL 9     22.0

Grade Definitions:

A/4: Superior: An indication that the student has met the state outcomes and course criteria at the highest level, demonstrating mastery of required knowledge and skills.

B/3: Above Average: An indication that the student has met the stated outcomes and course criteria at a high level, demonstrating mastery of most required knowledge and skills.

C/2: Average: An indication that the student has met the stated outcomes and course criteria with sufficient mastery of enough of the required knowledge and skills to be capable of success in other courses that require this course as a prerequisite

D/1: Below Average: An indication that the student has only minimally met the stated outcomes and criteria of the course but may not have sufficient mastery of enough of the required knowledge and skills to be capable of success in other courses that require this course as a prerequisite.

F/0: Failure: An indication that the student has participated in the course but has not adequately met the stated outcomes and criteria of the course.

FA/0: Failure-Attendance: An indication that the student did not participate (either by attendance or by online participation) in a significant amount of the course and, as a result, has not adequately met the stated outcomes and criteria of the course. Instructors assigning this grade must provide a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) to satisfy Federal Title IV aid requirements.


  • An earned F will be given if the student fails to meet the stated outcomes and criteria of the course and participated after the last day to withdraw.  When an F grade is given, the Last Day of Attendance (LDA) should reflect the last date of attendance or participation and must be after the withdraw date.
  • An earned FA will be given if the student fails to meet the standard outcomes and criteria of the course and the last date of attendance or participation occurred prior to the withdraw date.  When an FA grade is entered, the LDA should be before the last day to withdraw.

INC (Incomplete): Instructors may assign an incomplete grade when the quality of the student’s completed work is satisfactory but the course has not been completed for reasons acceptable to the instructor. At least sixty percent (60%) of the coursework must be completed for an incomplete grade to be given. The time allowed for work to be submitted to resolve the incomplete shall be determined by the instructor, but cannot exceed one calendar year from the date that the incomplete appears on the grade report.

Incomplete Grade Contracts are submitted by the instructor of the course at the time grades are submitted. The Registrar’s Office will maintain and monitor INC contracts for the college. If the instructor does not return a completed INC contact to the Registrar’s Office providing a final grade earned by the contract deadline date, the alternative grade indicated on the contract will automatically be entered into the student’s permanent record. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the work agreed upon and the instructor’s responsibility to submit the final grade earned in a timely manner to the Registrar’s Office. Grade changes after the end of the contract will not be processed without prior approval from the Vice President of Instruction.

P/NP (Pass/No Pass): If you wish to use the P/NP option you must elect to do so by the end of the fourth week of the term by submitting your application for the P/NP grading option to the Registrar’s Office. Once you declare the P/NP grading option, no changes in grading can be made.

You may apply a maximum of 12 program or elective credits with a grade of P toward a degree at BMCC. This number would include pass grades earned in regular BMCC classes and those earned from another college or university. This number does not include pass grades earned in coursework with obligatory pass grades or advanced placement credits transcribed as pass.

The P/NP option is not available in courses being repeated by the student, in courses required for a degree, or in courses in the core area required for an AAOT/AS/AST and other transfer degrees (pass grades would be accepted in advanced placement test credit.).

The P grade denotes a level of accomplishment of C or better.

Pass grades from other institutions will be examined on an individual basis. If the registrar determines that the course meets or exceeds BMCC requirements, then credit may be granted.

If you are planning to transfer to a four-year institution, you should determine the policy of that school before electing the P/NP option at BMCC.

When computing credits earned and GPA, the Registrar’s Office treats the P/NP credits as follows:

  • The pass credits will be transcribed as credits earned and will be computed in the grade point average.
  • The no-pass credits will show on the transcript as credits attempted and will not be computed in the grade point average.


Auditing a Course (AU): The audit indicator, “AU”, is a registration status and not a grade or an evaluation.  Students electing this option are not required to meet pre-requisite requirements for the course.

Students who register online and wish to audit a course must complete a Request to Audit Course form.  This status cannot be changed after the refund period. Courses taken as an audit status do not count as credits attempted in financial aid award calculations, and the AU (audit) status does not count in calculating GPAs. The audit indicator AU indicates a registration status, not an evaluation or a grade, and is not eligible for a grade change appeal. Students electing this option are not required to meet pre-requisite requirements for the course.

Policy: Students who do not wish to earn college credit may audit a course, however, they must elect this option within the first week of the term.   Students who audit are not required to meet any specific academic requirements, but they may participate fully in the activities of the class. If an audit is desired, you must elect this option at the time of registration. Students that wish to take the course for a grade, must drop the course within the defined drop period and then add the class back as a graded course. Students may not change to audit status after the end of the drop period.

Enrollment Status: In addition to the above grades, other enrollment-status indicators may be entered on the official grade report or transcript. These include AU (audit), CIP (course in progress), MSG (missing grade), and W (withdrawal).

AU (Audit): This is NOT a grade. It is an enrollment status and must be declared within the first 5 days of the term. See the Audit Policy section below for more information.

CIP (Course in Progress): CIP is an enrollment status used when a course is scheduled to continue from one academic term into the next. The CIP is not a terminal grade but is, rather, a state of progress used until the ending date of the class. At the time a course is scheduled to conclude, the CIP status will be replaced by a grade.

H (High School Diploma): The designation of H indicates that the variable-hour course was taken as part of a student’s adult high school diploma program and that was not completed in a particular term.

W (Withdrawal): A W is an enrollment status and indicates that you followed the formal withdrawal procedure and withdrew from the course during the term after the 100% refund period for the term or course. This designation is not used in computing GPA. A W is not punitive.

Repeating a Course: The most recent grade received for a repeated course will be counted towards the student’s term and cumulative grade point average (GPA, CGPA).   All prior attempts of the course where a grade was received (example: A, B, C, D, F, FA, NC, NCA, or INC) will have a repeat indicator noted on their official transcript and will not be applied towards meeting your certificate and or degree requirements.

Dropping/Withdrawing From a Course/s: Definitions:

Drop (unregister): When a student removes a course from their schedule during or before the end of the 100% refund period for that course. Courses that are dropped (unregistered) will not show up on the grade transcript.  Note: courses that are less than a full term in length have different refund periods. 

Withdraw: When a student removes a course from their schedule after the 100% refund period for that course.  These courses will appear on the student’s grade transcript with a status of W to indicate that the student withdrew from that course. In addition, students are responsible for all tuition and fees associated with the course or courses from which they withdraw. Note: courses that are less than a full term in length have different withdrawal deadline dates.  

To drop or withdraw from a course, students must do so online through their student portal. The last day to withdraw from a full-term course without a grade is listed on the annual Academic Calendar.

Students enrolled in courses after the dates listed in the academic calendar are responsible for the final grades received and associated tuition and fees for that course or courses. 

Withdrawal from College

Students who find they can no longer attend classes should officially withdraw from school. Before doing so, they should work with their advisor to determine if other options are available to them. The last day to withdraw from classes without receiving a grade is listed on the academic calendar. Note: courses that are less than a full term in length have different withdrawal deadline dates.

Students receiving financial aid should be aware that withdrawing from all course/s during a given term prior to completing more than 60.01% of the term can result in the student owing money back to the U.S. Department of Education or to BMCC. Please refer to the Financial Assistance section of the catalog for further information.

Requests for late withdrawal from a course must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Note: a student who is registered is considered to be in attendance. Non-attendance or non-payment does not constitute official withdrawal, nor does it release you from the obligation to pay for your course or courses.

Withdrawal for Military Duty

The following guidelines apply when a veteran, Reserve, or National Guard student is called to active duty for military purposes during the term (does not include being called to active duty for basic training):

Students may drop courses and receive a full tuition and fee refund.  Students may, at their discretion, elect to complete one or more of their courses after making special arrangements with their instructor(s) to create an incomplete contract allowing a reasonable time to complete the academic work required.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office for further information at 541-278-5757, or send an email to: studentrecords@bluecc.edu. Students receiving financial aid or veteran’s benefits should refer to the Financial Assistance section of the catalog for further information regarding withdrawals.

Grade Changes

Grade changes may be made up to one year after the end of the term in which the course or courses were taken.  Once a grade (A, B, C, D, F, or FA) has been assigned (does not include the registration status of W) the only acceptable reason for a grade change is an instructor or college error.  The instructor/student relationship in a given class concludes at the end of the term with the assignment of a grade unless the student receives a grade of INC to allow for the submission of late coursework. If you cannot complete all of the coursework before the end of the term, you should work with the instructor before the term ends to request a grade of INC. Otherwise, the only way that an instructor can agree to change your grade is for you to submit a grade appeal (see the section on grade appeals).  All grade appeals are reviewed by the Dean overseeing the faculty who assigned the grade and, if approved, sent to the Registrar’s Office for final processing.

Grade Appeal Process

The responsibility for assigning grades rests with the individual instructor. If you believe that you have been awarded an inappropriate grade by an instructor, you may fill out a grade appeal form and submit it to the Office of Instruction. This will initiate the grade appeal process as outlined in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities of the Student Handbook. The appropriate Vice President of Instruction or their designee will forward the appeal to the Registrar’s Office once a decision has been made.  If the appeal results in a grade change, the Registrar’s Office will process the change and notify the student by email once the change has been made.

Term Grades

Term grades are posted to students’ official transcripts on the Monday following the end of the term. Students can access their grades online via the Wolfweb.

Waitlisted Courses

Students that have been placed on a waitlist, will be notified by email (sent to your assigned BMCC email account) from the Office of Instruction if a space becomes available and they are moved from the waitlist into the class.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their status in any waitlisted courses.  Students may not attend/participate in the course until their waitlist status has been established and confirmed or until they are officially registered in the course. To check the status of a waitlisted course the student should check their term schedule on the Wolfweb. Students should also check their BMCC student email.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are given at the close of each term. Students are required to take final examinations at the regularly scheduled time. Final examination schedules are available online or on the academic calendar found in this catalog. If circumstances warrant taking final examinations at another time, the student must make prior arrangements with their instructor.

Standards of Academic Progress

Academic Warning and Suspension

Academic Progress (AP) is the institution’s policy regarding a student’s academic progress.  AP is not the same as Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which is the status that students using financial assistance must maintain in order to receive funding from financial aid.  A student is considered in good academic standing when they are making academic progress. Academic progress is defined as having a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 (C) and a minimum cumulative completion rate (Pace) of 67%.  AP requires a student to maintain academic progress at the end of each term of attendance.  If a student does not maintain academic progress he/she will be placed on Academic Warning or Academic Suspension status.   More information about AP can be obtained by viewing the AP policy on BMCC’s website or by contacting the Registrar’s Office at 541-278-5757.

Pace includes all courses a student remained registered in after the drop period. This includes courses with grades of A, B, C, D, F, FA, INC, and those courses with W to indicate a withdrawal.

Academic Warning:  Students are considered on academic Warning if their cumulative GPA is below 2.0 or their cumulative credit completion rate (Pace) is below 67%.  Students will be reinstated to good academic standing as soon as their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher and have a cumulative credit completion rate of at least 67%.  

Academic Suspension: Students are placed on academic suspension when their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, or their credit completion rate is below 67% for a second consecutive term.  

Students will have the right to appeal their academic suspension by submitting an appeal within the website’s published deadline date. The appeal will be reviewed by the Academic Progress Review Committee (AP Review Committee). The AP Review Committee consists of the Registrar, the Director of the Student Success Center, the TRIO Director, and the Director of Student Financial Assistance. If the student is pre-registered for the upcoming term and fails to submit a complete appeal by the published deadline, the student will be administratively dropped from all courses.

Academic Probation: Students are placed on Academic Probation when an appeal is approved by the AP Review Committee after a student is placed on Academic Suspension. If while on Academic Probation, a student fails to make academic progress as a result of extraordinary circumstances, the student will be placed on an Academic One-Year Suspension. Students placed on this status will have the option to submit a second appeal to be able to take classes but not to have their financial aid reinstated.  In the event the AP Review Committee rules the suspension valid, the student will have the right to appeal the decision to the Vice President of Instruction.

Academic One-Year Suspension: A student academically suspended more than once will not be allowed to register for credit classes for one full calendar year. Students may ask to return for the term following the end of the one-year break period by submitting an appeal. This option does not apply to federal and state aid recipients.

Break of Enrollment

Students that have had a break of enrollment of two (2) or more academic years will return on the following status:






2-4 years

Academic Warning

Good Academic Standing

No change for break of enrollment

(Warning or Suspension)

Academic Suspension

Academic Warning


5 years or more

Academic Warning or Suspension

Good Academic Standing


Official transcripts must be ordered online via the National Student Clearinghouse. The link for transcript ordering can be found on our website bluecc.edu/transcripts.

See the “College Costs” section of the catalog for costs associated with transcript requests. No other person may receive a copy of the student’s transcript or undertake to pick it up for the student unless the student authorizes the release of records in writing. The College reserves the right to withhold official transcripts from students who owe monies to Blue Mountain Community College. If an official transcript is requested by a student who owes monies, the student is notified that there is a balance owing and given information on how to resolve the issue.

Transferring Credits to BMCC

Students who wish to have credits from other regionally accredited colleges evaluated towards their certificate/degree intent at BMCC will need to request an official transcript be sent to BMCC’s Enrollment Services Office.  Official transcripts must include a signature from the issuing institution and its authorized seal, if applicable, and be delivered to BMCC in a sealed envelope.

In general, BMCC accepts college-level credits earned at regionally accredited colleges or universities.  BMCC does not accept credit for prior learning (CPL) transcribed by other colleges.  

Accepted credits will become a part of the student’s permanent academic record at BMCC and will be noted on their official grade transcript.  All grades earned from BMCC will be used to compute the student’s grade point average on their BMCC transcript. This is the GPA that will be considered for honor and high honors distinction at commencement and upon degree conferral.

Students that have taken the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or the Advanced Placement (AP) test, should have their scores sent to Enrollment Services for review.  Exams must have been taken within 3 years of the date the student requests credit.  Credits received for AP, CLEP, or military experience at other colleges and universities will not be accepted.  Students must have their exam scores and or official military transcripts sent directly to BMCC. 

Transferring Credits from BMCC

In most cases, up to 120 lower division transfer credit hours earned at a community college may transfer and be accepted toward graduation requirements at the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Portland State University, Eastern Oregon University, Western Oregon University, Southern Oregon University, Washington State, Tri-Cities and Oregon Institute of Technology.

In order to facilitate a smooth transition from BMCC students should discuss the transferability of courses with their academic advisor and the school to which they plan to transfer.

Credit for Prior Learning/Certification (CPL)

The purpose of awarding credit for prior learning is to acknowledge and validate knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by students through experience. With the exception of cooperative work experience (CWE) credits, students receiving alternate credits are not eligible for state or federal aid for those credits.

The maximum number of credits that may be earned through a combination of credit by examination is no more than 25 percent of the credits needed for a certificate or degree.  Example:  90 credits required for a degree, a maximum of 22 CPL credits may be applied to this degree.

Credit by Examination (CBE): To obtain credit for certain courses, a student must be enrolled as a BMCC student taking at least one course for credit and satisfactorily pass a comprehensive examination or series of examinations. The student may not obtain credit by examination (CBE) for a course at a lower level than one in which they have already demonstrated competency. Some courses are not eligible for this program. Students who wish to obtain credit in this manner must pay a fee in addition to any other tuition and fees that they may have paid in that term. Contact the Office of Instruction, at 541-278-5969, for more information. CBE credits are reflected on BMCC’s transcripts within the Credit for Prior Learning term, found at the top of the transcript.

Credit for Prior Certification/Learning (CPL): Documentation is required. If awarded, these credits are reflected on BMCC’s transcripts with a grade of “P” and transcribed within the Credit for Prior Learning term, found at the top of the transcript.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Students may earn credit for certain courses by taking tests administered by the Advanced Placement (AP) program sponsored by the College Board. Below is a list of approved AP courses, AP minimum scores, and advanced placement action. AP credits are reflected on BMCC’s transcripts with a grade of “P” and transcribed within the Credit for Prior Learning term, found at the top of the transcript.

To receive AP credit the student must:

  • Request that your AP scores be sent from the College Board to BMCC. Scores are accepted for up to three years after the exam date.
  • Be enrolled at BMCC in at least one credit course.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office at 541-278-5757 or email getinfo@bluecc.edu for additional information.


AP Exam Taken AP Score BMCC Course BMCC Credit
Art - History 3, 4, 5 ART 204  and ART 205   8
Art - 2-D Art & Design 3, 4, 5 ART 101   4
Biology 3 BI 101 , BI 102 , BI 103   12
Biology 4, 5 BI 211 BI 212 BI 213   15
Calculus AB 3 MTH 251   4
Calculus AB 4, 5 MTH 251  and MTH 252   8
Calculus BC 3 MTH 251  and MTH 252   8
Calculus BC 4, 5 MTH 251 , MTH 252 , MTH 253   12
Chemistry 3 CH 104 , CH 105 , CH 106   15
Chemistry 4, 5 CH 221 CH 222 CH 223   15
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 CS 160   4
Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 CS 161   4
Drawing 3, 4, 5  ART 132   4
English Language and Composition 3, 4, 5 WR 121Z   4
English Literature and Composition 3, 4, 5 ENG 104Z   4
United States Government & Politics 3, 4, 5 PS 201   4
United States History 3, 4, 5 HST 201  and HST 202   8
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 GEOG 103   4
Macro Economics 3, 4, 5 EC 202   4
Micro Economics 3, 4, 5 EC 201   4
Physics C- Electricity & Magnetism 3, 4, 5 PHY 201   5
Physics C - Mechanics 3, 4, 5 PHY 201   5
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSY 201Z   4
Spanish Language & Culture  3, 4, 5 SPAN 101 , SPAN 102 , SPAN 103   12
Statistics 3, 4, 5 STAT 243Z   4

College-Level Examination Program - CLEP

Students may earn College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits for certain courses by taking the CLEP exams sponsored by the College Board.  Below is a list of BMCC’s approved CLEP exams, minimum scores, number of possible credits granted, and corresponding BMCC course equivalencies. CLEP credits are reflected on BMCC’s transcripts with a grade of “P” and with the course identifier of (CL) next to the course title.   

To receive CLEP credit the student must:

  • Request your CLEP scores be sent from the College Board to BMCC. Scores are accepted for up to three years after the exam date.
  • Be enrolled at BMCC in at least one credit course.

Please contact the registrar’s office at 541-278-5757 or email getinfo@bluecc.edu for additional information.


Exam Subject Minimum Score Credit BMCC Course Equivalency
Principles of Management 50 4 BA 206  
Introductory Business Law 50 4 BA 226  
Principles of Marketing 50 4 BA 223  
Financial Accounting 50 8 BA 211Z  
Biology 50 12 BI 101 , BI 102 , BI 103  
Chemistry 50 4 CH 104  
American Literature 50 8 ENG 253 , ENG 254  
Principles of Micro-Economics 50 4 EC 201  
Principles of Macro-Economics 50 4 EC 202  
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 4 ENG 104Z  
English Literature  50 8 ENG 204 , ENG 205  
Calculus 50 4 MTH 251  
College Algebra 50 5 MTH 111Z  
College Mathematics 50 5 MTH 105Z  
Precalculus 50 5 MTH 112Z  
Spanish Language I & II 50-65 12 SPAN 101 , SPAN 102 SPAN 103   
Spanish Language I & II 66 + 12 SPAN 201 , SPAN 202 , SPAN 203  

Military Credit (MIL): Military credit will be evaluated according to American Council of Education guidelines. In most cases, credit will only be considered when it is equivalent to a course offered by BMCC.  Military credits are not reflected on BMCC’s transcripts and are considered transfer courses similar to coursework taken at other regionally accredited colleges.  A pre-transcript notation is placed on the student’s transcript noting the number of military credits accepted.

Recognition of Outstanding Student Performance

Academic Achievement: Blue Mountain Community College recognizes the exceptional academic achievement of students at the end of each term and at graduation.

Honor Roll

Students may attain honor status each term by qualifying for the Vice President’s or the President’s List. In all cases, the student must have completed six (6) or more BMCC credits during the term with grades of A, B, C, or D. Levels of achievement are:

  • Vice President’s List:  3.5 to 3.74 GPA
  • President’s List:          3.75 to 4.0 GPA

Only courses taken at BMCC will count towards Honor Roll designations.  Credit awarded through AP, CLEP, ACE, DSST, or credit-by-exam will not be included. Only term GPAs, not cumulative GPAs, are counted for these recognitions.

Grades of P, NP, and INC do not count toward recognition of academic achievement.

The Registrar’s Office will send notifications to each qualifying student at the end of each term.

Graduation Requirements

Students are responsible for fulfilling the requirements for graduation and should work with their advisor to ensure that they have or will complete the degree and/or certificate requirements.

As a candidate for graduation, students are required to submit an Application for Graduation.  Students are encouraged to submit their application at least two terms prior to the term in which they expect to complete their program requirements (refer to the academic calendar in the catalog for specific deadline dates). This allows the academic advisor to assist the student in selecting coursework necessary to meet graduation requirements. Completed applications for graduation must be submitted online and can be found on our website bluecc.edu/student-forms.

Upon the college’s receipt and processing of the application, the Registrar’s Office will notify the student and their advisor by email of the course/s needed to satisfy certificate/degree requirements. Should there be any discrepancy, the student and their advisor will be asked to notify the registrar as soon as possible. A graduation file will be established at that time and the degree audit will become the official degree check-off for degree completion purposes.

Auto-Award of Certificate/Degrees: If the Registrar or their designee finds that a student has completed all coursework necessary to complete their indicated program of study, the college will award the degrees and/or certificates upon completion of those requirements. Opting out of an institutional award requires completing the appropriate request through the registrar’s office. Multiple credentials may be institutionally awarded within your program of study.

Degrees and certificates become official when recorded on your transcript. Certificates and diplomas will be mailed to the address listed on your application within two months after final grades have been posted and reviewed.

Students who do not complete their degree requirements in the term and year identified on their application will be notified by the Registrar’s Office about the final requirements needed to complete their certificate/degree requirements. Applications will be considered active for a period of one (1) year from the student’s intended date of graduation.

Students that have not graduated after one year, will have their applications considered inactive and will be required to reapply for graduation and pay any fees in effect at the time of reapplication.

Residency Requirement

Students must have completed a specific number of credits at BMCC in order to meet the requirements for their degree as follows:

  • Two-Year Degree: Must complete 24 credits at BMCC, 18 credits must apply towards the degree
  • One-Year Certificate: Must complete 12 credits at BMCC, 9 credits must apply towards the certificate
  • Less than One-Year Certificate (LTOY): Must complete 50% of credits required for the certificate at BMCC, 50% of credits must apply towards the LTOY
  • Career Pathway Certificates of Completion (CPCC): Must complete 50% of credits required for the certificate at BMCC, 50% of credits must apply towards the CPCC

Graduation under a Particular Catalog

Catalog requirements are effective for five academic years.  Students may graduate under the catalog requirements existing at the time of initial enrollment as long as they successfully complete at least one BMCC credit applicable to degree requirements per academic year unless they choose to meet the requirements of a later catalog.  A new academic year begins each summer and ends the following spring.  No catalog is valid for longer than the spring following the fifth academic year of issuance.  Students who change their program will be moved to the catalog year during which the change was made.  

Some programs may impose shorter time limits on accepting credits for degree or certificate requirements. Students enrolled in programs that are accredited or licensed must meet the requirements most recently approved by the accrediting agency or licensing authority. All returning students who have not been enrolled in a college credit course for one academic year must meet new degree requirements. Occasionally, the college may change courses and course numbers within a program. Students should regularly consult an advisor in their major department about their course of study.

BMCC reviews and updates degree requirements annually. Please note that some of the requirements for graduation may change if your studies are interrupted by one or more years and/or if a course of study extends beyond five years. Depending upon the college certificate or degree, you may be asked to complete updated requirements.

Honors for Commencement Ceremony

Students with exceptional academic qualifications who participate in our commencement ceremony with honors or high honors designation will have this designation noted in the commencement program.  This designation applies to all of BMCC’s degrees and certificates for academic, career, and technical programs. To qualify, students must have attended at least two terms and have earned at least 24 credit hours at BMCC (may be less for programs of less than two years in length). Honors designations are:

  • Honors: cumulative GPA of 3.40 to 3.84
  • High Honors: cumulative GPA of 3.85 or higher

Your cumulative GPA on your official BMCC degree audit as of the end of the winter term is used to determine honors or high honors status for our ceremony. Students completing their degree requirements during the summer term but participating in the ceremony do not qualify to walk with honors/high honors. If you completed your certificate or degree requirements prior to the end of the winter term, your cumulative GPA for courses applied toward your certificate and or degree as of the term you completed will be used.

Commencement Ceremony

BMCC’s commencement ceremony is held each year in June on the last week of spring term. Students who have completed or will complete all of their certificate and/or degree requirements during or prior to summer 2024 are eligible to participate in the 2024 ceremony.  Those completing requirements as of fall 2024 or later will be invited to participate in the following year’s ceremony.

Final Honors Distinction At Time of Award

Students with exceptional academic qualifications may qualify to complete their designated program of study with honors or high honors designation. This designation will appear on your official grade transcript and may apply to all earned degrees and certificates for academic, career, and technical programs. To qualify, you must have attended at least two terms and have earned at least 24 credit hours at BMCC (may be less for programs of less than two years in length). Honors designations are:

  • Honors: cumulative GPA of 3.40 to 3.84
  • High Honors: cumulative GPA of 3.85 or higher

This status is reflective of your cumulative GPA on your official BMCC degree audit and includes credits earned at another college/university. The calculation is performed on all courses completed and applied to your certificate and or degree through your final term of program completion and may be different than what was listed in our commencement program.

Suspended Programs of Study

When the College Administration decides to suspend or eliminate a program, Enrollment Services will identify students who may be affected by that action and will contact those students to advise them into other programs at BMCC that may serve the student’s interests and needs.  If this is not possible, the Office of Instruction will take the lead in investigating other reasonable options for students, such as programs at other colleges that students might attend, including online programs.  This may or may not include financial support, depending upon the situation.  The Chief Academic Officer or their designee will choose the best option to balance the students’ and the college’s needs. 

Financial assistance for students, if it is to be offered, will be determined by the President and the Chief Academic Officer in each individual situation.  It will depend on the number of students affected, where they might be able to complete the program, how far they are along in BMCC’s program, and the amount of notice the school is able to give students to make other arrangements.

Teach-out agreements to assist students in completing their programs at other institutions will be created as necessary and in accordance with the circumstances at that particular time and may vary with each situation.  The Registrar and the Office of Instruction will work to bridge communication between the students, the College Administration, and any partner colleges to help facilitate a smooth transition for all. The Registrar’s Office, in collaboration with the Office of Instruction, is responsible for maintaining information on affected students, their progress at other institutions, and their satisfaction with the options offered to them in order to best serve students affected similarly in the future.  The Office of Instruction will report all necessary information to the Northwest Association of Colleges and Universities and the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Contact the Registrar at studentrecords@bluecc.edu to determine eligibility.

Associate Degree Comprehensive Requirements

Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT)

Students earning an AAOT degree from Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) must successfully complete the following requirements along with the course requirements of the degree:

  1. Credits Required: 90  Credits include only those that meet the requirements of this degree. Credit courses numbered below 100 or those considered below the collegiate level will not be used to fulfill the 90-credit minimum requirement.
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must successfully complete a minimum of 24 quarter hours at BMCC. Eighteen (18) of these credits must apply to this degree.  Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to meet the 24-quarter credit hour or 18-quarter credit hour requirement.  
  3. Minimum Grade: All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: See Programs and Courses Section for courses that meet these requirements.

Foundational Requirements:

  • Mathematics: MTH 105Z  or higher.
  • Oral Communication:  COM 111Z 
  • Writing:  Students taking writing classes of three credits each must take WR 121Z WR 122Z , and either WR 123 or WR 227Z . Students taking writing classes of 4 credits each must take WR 121Z  and either WR 122Z  or WR 227Z .  A student must have eight credits of writing in courses designated by the college as meeting the statewide criteria for college-level writing (WR 121Z WR 122Z , WR123, WR 227Z ).
  • Health/Wellness/Fitness: One or more courses totaling at least three credits.  PE 185  courses are repeatable.

Discipline Studies

  • Arts and Letters: Three courses from any of the discipline studies that are designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Arts & Letters (Humanities) .
  • Cultural Literacy: One course from any of the discipline studies that is designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Cultural Literacy .
  • Science/Math/Computer Science: Four courses from at least two disciplines including at least three Lab Science  courses in biological, earth physical, and/or physical science.
  • Social Sciences: Four courses chosen from two or more disciplines in Social Science .


  • Any college-level course 100 level or higher that would bring the total credits to 90 credits.  See notes below.


  • Maximum Number of Credits for Prior Learning (CPL): Up to 22 credits of CPL may be applied to the degree.
  • Maximum Number of Career and Technical Education Courses: Up to 12 credits may be applied to the elective area of this degree.

Associate of General Studies (AGS)

Students earning an AGS degree from Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) must successfully complete the following requirements along with additional requirements of the degree:

  1. Credits Required: 90  Credits include only those that meet the requirements of this degree. 
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must successfully complete a minimum of 24 quarter hours at BMCC. Eighteen (18) of these credits must apply to this degree. Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to meet the 24-quarter credit hour or 18-quarter credit hour requirement.  
  3. Minimum Grade: All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: See Programs and Courses Section for courses that meet these requirements.

Foundational Requirements:

Discipline Studies

  • Arts and Letters: One course from any of the discipline studies that are designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Arts & Letters (Humanities) .
  • Cultural Literacy:  One course from any of the discipline studies that is designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Cultural Literacy .
  • Lab Science: One Lab Science  course.
  • Social Sciences: One Social Science  course.


  • Any college-level course 100 level or higher that would bring the total credits to 90 credits.  See notes below.


  1. Maximum Number of Credits for Prior Learning (CPL): Up to 22 credits of CPL may be applied to the degree

Associate of Science (AS)

Students earning an AS degree from Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) must successfully complete the following requirements along with additional requirements of the AS degree:

  1. Credits Required: 90  Credits include only those that meet the requirements of this degree. Credit courses numbered below 100 or those considered below the collegiate level will not be used to fulfill the 90-credit minimum requirement.
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must successfully complete a minimum of 24 quarter hours at BMCC. Eighteen (18) of these credits must apply to this degree. Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to meet the 24-quarter credit hour or 18-quarter credit hour requirement.  
  3. Minimum Cumulative Grade Average (CGPA): 2.0  The CGPA is calculated using only those courses that apply to this degree.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: See Programs and Courses Section for courses that meet these requirements.

Foundational Requirements:

  • Mathematics: MTH 111Z  or higher.
  • Oral Communication: COM 111Z 
  • Writing: Students taking writing classes of three credits each must take WR 121Z WR 122Z , and either WR 123 or WR 227Z . Students taking writing classes of 4 credits each must take WR 121Z  and either WR 122Z  or WR 227Z .  A student must have eight credits of writing in courses designated by the college as meeting the statewide criteria for college-level writing (WR 121Z WR 122Z , WR123, WR 227Z ).

Discipline Studies

  • Arts and Letters: One course from any of the discipline studies that are designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Arts & Letters (Humanities) .
  • Lab Science: Four Lab Science  courses chosen from two or more disciplines (biological, earth, and physical science).
  • Science/Math/Computer Science: Three courses.
  • Social Sciences: Four courses chosen from two or more disciplines in Social Science .


  • Any college-level course 100 level or higher that would bring the total credits to 90 credits.  See notes below.


  1. Maximum Number of Credits for Prior Learning (CPL): Up to 22 credits of CPL may be applied to the degree.
  2. Maximum Number of Career and Technical Education Courses: Up to 12 credits may be applied to the elective area of this degree.

Associate of Science Transfer - Business (AST-BUS)

Students earning an AST-BUS degree from Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) must successfully complete the following requirements along with additional requirements of the AST-BUS degree:

  1. Credits Required: 90  Credits include only those that meet the requirements of this degree.
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must successfully complete a minimum of 24 quarter hours at BMCC. Eighteen (18) of these credits must apply to this degree. Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to meet the 24-quarter credit hour or 18-quarter credit hour requirement.  
  3. Minimum Grade: All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: See Programs and Courses Section for courses that meet these requirements.

Foundational Requirements:

Discipline Studies

Business Courses

Students must complete the following courses: 


  • Any college-level course 100 level or higher that would bring the total credits to 90 credits.  See notes below.  


  1. Maximum Number of Credits for Prior Learning (CPL): Up to 22 credits of CPL may be applied to the degree.

Associate of Science Oregon Transfer in Computer Science (ASOT-CS)

Students earning an ASOT-CS degree from Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) must successfully complete the following requirements along with additional requirements of the ASOT/CS degree:

  1. Credits Required: 90  Credits include only those that meet the requirements of this degree. Credit courses numbered below 100 or those considered below the collegiate level will not be used to fulfill the 90-credit minimum requirement.
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must successfully complete a minimum of 24 quarter hours at BMCC. Eighteen (18) of these credits must apply to this degree. .  Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to meet the 24-quarter credit hour or 18-quarter credit hour requirement.  
  3. Minimum Grade: All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. 

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: See Programs and Courses Section for courses that meet these requirements.

Foundational Requirements:

  • Mathematics: MTH 251  and MTH 252 .
  • Oral Communication:  COM 111Z .
  • Writing: Students taking writing classes of three credits each must take WR 121Z WR 122Z , and either WR 123 or WR 227Z . Students taking writing classes of 4 credits each must take WR 121Z  and either WR 122Z  or WR 227Z .  A student must have eight credits of writing in courses designated by the college as meeting the statewide criteria for college-level writing (WR 121Z WR 122Z , WR123, WR 227Z ).
  • Health/Wellness/Fitness: One or more courses totaling at least three credits. PE 185  courses are repeatable.

Discipline Studies

  • Arts and Letters: Three courses from any of the discipline studies that are designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Arts & Letters (Humanities) .
  • Cultural Literacy: One course from any of the discipline studies that is designated as meeting the statewide criteria for Cultural Literacy .
  • Science/Math/Computer Science: Four courses from at least two disciplines including at least three Lab Science  courses in biological, earth physical, and/or physical science.

1. See program-specific requirements as some programs require physics 
2. Note that the CS and Math core required courses will meet the requirement for 1 of the 4 required courses, so normally only 3 science courses outside of CS/Math are needed

  • Social Sciences: Four courses chosen from two or more disciplines in Social Science .

Computer Science Courses

Students must complete the following courses: 


  • Any college-level course 100 level or higher that would bring the total credits to 90 credits.  See notes below.


  • Maximum Number of Credits for Prior Learning (CPL): Up to 22 credits of CPL may be applied to the degree.

Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS)

Students earning an AAS degree from Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) must successfully complete the following requirements along with additional requirements of the degree:

  1. Credits Required: See the AAS program for the specific number of credits required for the degree. Credits include only those that meet the requirements of this degree.
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must successfully complete a minimum of 24 quarter hours at BMCC. Eighteen (18) of these credits must apply to this degree. Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to meet the 24-quarter credit hour or 18-quarter credit hour requirement.  
  3. Minimum Cumulative Grade Average (CGPA): 2.0  The CGPA is calculated using only those courses that apply to this degree.


  • Maximum Number of Credits for Prior Learning (CPL): Up to 22 credits of CPL may be applied to the degree.
  • Computer Literacy: Must successfully complete the Computer Literacy requirement.

Course Substitutions

If a student is pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree and would like to request a course substitution to meet program requirements, the student must discuss their request with their academic advisor. If the advisor considers the request appropriate, they will complete the necessary paperwork, and then obtain the approval and signature of the Chief Academic Officer. The Registrar’s Office will process the information, once approved, and it will become a part of the student’s permanent record.

Transcript Notations

Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) will be noted on a student’s transcript upon completion of all module course requirements.  Since the OTM is not a degree or certificate, BMCC’s regular residency requirements do not apply.  The student must have completed at least one credit at BMCC that applies to the OTM in order to have the module notation made on the student’s official transcript.

Access to Student Records

The Registrar’s Office maintains and processes academic records for the college. Student records are maintained in accordance with the college’s official student record retention schedule.  These records include but are not limited to, admission applications, transfer institution transcripts, transfer credit evaluations, correspondence, grade change forms, curriculum deviation forms, certificate/degree completion applications, and degree evaluations.

Education Record

Education records are those records that are maintained by BMCC or an agent of the College which is directly related to a student, except the following:

  1. Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and educational personnel that are kept in the sole possession of the maker of the record, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record.
  2. Records relating to an individual who is employed by the college, that are made and maintained in the normal course of business, that relate exclusively to the individual in that individual’s capacity as an employee, and that are not available for use for any other purpose.  Records relating to an individual in attendance at the college who is employed as a result of his or her status as a student are education records and are not exempt under this subsection.
  3. Faculty records, relating to personal matters of faculty members such as conduct, personal and academic evaluations, and disciplinary actions.
  4. Records on a student that are:
    • Made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in his or her professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity;
    • Made, maintained, or used only in connection with the treatment of the student; and
    • Disclosed only to individuals providing the treatment.  For the purpose of this definition, “treatment” does not include remedial educational activities or activities that are part of the program of instruction at the college.
  5. Records that only contain information relating to activities in which an individual engaged after he or she was no longer a student at the college.
  6. Medical or nursing records are made or maintained separately and solely by a licensed healthcare professional and are not used for education purposes or planning.
  7. “Personally identifiable information” includes, but is not limited to:
    • Student’s name;
    • The name of the student’s parents, children, spouse, or other family members;
    • Address of the student or the student’s family;
    • Telephone number of the student or the student’s family;
    • Photograph of the student;
    • A personal identifier, such as the student’s social security number or student number; and
    • A list of personal characteristics that would make the student’s identity easily traceable, or other information that would make the student’s identity easily traceable.

Student - any person who attends or has attended Blue Mountain Community College.

Records Restrictions (Holds)

Students who owe a financial obligation to the college will not be able to access their official college transcripts until their debt has been paid in full.

Social Security Number (SSN)

Providing your SSN is voluntary.  If you choose to provide it, it means you consent to allow us to use the number in the manner described. If you choose not to do so, you will not be denied any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law.  You may revoke your consent for the use of the SSN at any time by writing to BMCC, Attention: Registrar’s Office, 2411 NW Carden, Pendleton, OR  97801.  You will be required to provide supporting identification with your request (ex: current driver’s license).

Oregon Administrative Rule 589-004-0400 authorizes Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) to ask students to provide their Social Security Number. The number will be used by the college for reporting, research, and record keeping.  The numbers will also be provided by the College to Data for Analysis (D4A), which gathers information about students and programs to meet state and federal reporting requirements. The number will be provided to entities requiring a Social Security Number, including but not limited to the federal government for financial aid, and as required by court order in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).   It also helps colleges plan, research, and develop programs.  This information helps BMCC to support the progress of students and their success in the workplace and other education programs.

D4A or BMCC may provide a student’s Social Security Number to the following agencies or match it with records from the following systems:

  • State and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools determine how many community college students continue their education and find out whether community college courses are a good basis for further education.
  • The Oregon Employment Department gathers information, including employment and earnings, to help state and local agencies plan education and training services to help Oregon citizens get the best jobs available.
  • The Oregon Department of Education provides reports to local, state, and federal governments.  The information is used to learn about education, training, and job market trends for planning, research, and program improvement.
  • The Oregon Department of Revenue and collection agencies are only for the purposes of processing debts and only if BMCC extends credit to the student.

State and federal law protects the privacy of student records.  A Social Security number will be used only for the purposes listed above.  However, there may be times when solicitation and disclosure of a student’s Social Security Number is mandated by law.

BMCC Alumni Association

BMCC’s Alumni Association fosters lifelong partnerships between students, alumni, employers, and friends of the College. Connections like these make the College and community stronger and more successful.  Whether you finished your degree or certificate, started your educational journey, or earned job skills through BMCC, you are an alumnus of Blue Mountain Community College. The only requirement is a passion for the College! Our mission is to inform, connect, and celebrate our alumni! We invite you to stay connected with “the Pack” and be part of BMCC’s future through networking, mentorship, volunteerism, and the support of current students. Be Timberwolf Proud and join the BMCC Alumni Association at https://bluecc.edu/foundation.  You can also find us on social at Blue Mountain Community College: Alumni & Friends.

TRiO - Student Support Services

TRiO/Student Support Services works with eligible, TRIO-enrolled students to provide comprehensive academic support. Nationwide, students who are part of a TRiO program tend to have higher GPAs and earn more credits than those who are not involved with TRiO. The TRiO program at BMCC offers a student computer lab, professional tutoring, comprehensive advising, student success coaching, four-year transfer assistance, university campus visits, workshops on financial literacy, study strategies, time management, and book and calculator loans.

TRiO/Student Support Services also offers cultural and student engagement opportunities.  Students are provided opportunities to attend cultural event activities such as community theatre, museums, art, and community events.  Additionally, students are encouraged to join the TRiO Club, an ASG club focused on community service and leadership opportunities while providing fun and exciting college experiences.

To qualify, you must be a U.S. citizen or documented permanent resident and enrolled in a degree program at any of the Blue Mountain Community College campuses.  In addition, you must meet at least one of the following criteria to be a TRiO student: be a first-generation student (neither parent nor guardian graduated with a bachelor’s degree), qualify as low-income (Federal Pell Eligible), or have a documented disability.  For more information or to find out if you qualify, contact TRiO/Student Support Services. Offices are located on the Pendleton campus in Morrow Hall, Room M-146.  Contact information: 541-278-5855, email trio@bluecc.edu, or view information online at www.bluecc.edu.